Pride Comes Before Fall

A proud boy was walking down the road,

Looking quite handsome and bored!

A proud boy was walking down the road,

Looking quite handsome and bored!

“I’m so good, I’m so clever,

I even have the best shirt”

He said, showing off so much!

“I’m so good, I’m so clever,

I even have the best shirt”



Suddenly on the road there was puddle,

He did not see that puddle,

He had its nose high up in the air,

Splash he fell in, Splash he fell in,

And then he felt so bad.

And then he felt so bad.


“Now I know that if you show off,

And put your nose up in the air,

You wont see anything ahead!

Pride, comes before fall,

Pride, comes before fall,

So give up your pride forever! 

So give up your pride forever! 


With humility learn to see

The road ahead of you,

And you’ll never, ever fall!
Yes, you’ll never, ever fall!


With humility learn to see

With humility learn to see

With humility learn to see