
Preksha Dhyana

Jain Books

Book Introduction


Ch:1 - What Is Preksha ?

Ch:2 - Aim of Preksha Dhyana

Ch:3 - Preconditions of Preksha Dhyana

Ch:4 - Spiritual Vigilance

Ch:5 - Relaxation with Self Awareness

Ch:6 - Internal Trip

Ch:7 - Perception of Breathing

Ch:8 - Perception of Body

Ch:9 - Perception of Phychic Centres

Ch:10 - Perseption of Phychic Colours

Ch:11 - Perception of Present Moment

Ch:12 - Perception of Thoughts-Equnimity

Ch:13 - Self-Discipline: Development of Will-Power

Ch:14 - Reflection, Contemplation & Concentration