

Bhadrabahu Vijay


Total renunciation means to be completely detached from all sinful actions caused by all kinds of delusions. Such a person should not entertain sinful thoughts, utter sinful words; and commit any sinful action by means of his body. Not only should person completely refrain from all kinds of sin but also should not be an supporter of sin that might be committed by others. If any one commits a sinful action, such person should not encourage it nor should he agree in it. Even these actions, he should not commit by means of thought, word or action.

When a person renounces worldly life and all worldly attachments and is initiated into Samyamadharma or the way of discipline and austerity, the man is called Sadhu, ascetic, Shraman, or Muni and the woman is called Sadhvi, Shramani, or Aryä.

Those who get initiated into the life of discipline and austerity and become Sadhus and Sadhvis must take a vow to act strictly in accordance with the five great austerities. (There are five special kinds of vows).


The five great vows

1. The Pranatipätaviraman Mahavrat- Non-violence

2. Mrishavadaviraman Mahävrat - Truthfulness

3. Adattadänaviraman Mahavrat- Non-stealing

4. Maithunaviraman Mahaivrat- Celibacy

5. Parigrahaviraman Mahavrat- Non-attachment.

Those who are initiated into the path of austerity must take this sacred vow," O Lord Arihant! I will not commit the sins of violence, uttering falsehood, stealing and carnal enjoyments, or be possesive, in word, thought or deed; nor will I assist any one in committing such sins. If anyone is committing such sins, I will not approve of and endorse them. Oh Lord! I hereby take a sacred and solemn vow that throughout my life, I will conform to these five austerities, the five gems of Jain conduct."

The Jain Sadhus and Sadhvis never cause harm or violence to any living being. They live according to the pledge that they will not harm even the tiniest creatures.

They do not speak untruth in whatever circumstances they might be entangled. They will not lie on account of fear, desire, anger, or on account of deceptive intentions.

Without the permission of the owner, they will not take even a small thing like a straw.

They have to observe the vow of celibacy with an absolute adherence to it. In this respect, the rules of conduct to be adhered to are absolutely strict and they should be observed with care. The Sadhus should not touch the members of the opposite sex, even to a child. In the same manner, the Sadhvis should not touch the members of the other sex, even to a child. The touching of the members of the opposite sex is strictly prohibited in the case of the Jain Sadhus and Sadhvis. In case, they touch the members of the opposite sex either by mistake or in ignorance, they have to undergo the ritual of Prayashchitta for selfpurification.

There is a reason behind the rule that prohibits the touching of even the children of the opposite sex. The reason is that it is not possibie to draw a line of demarcation regarding the actual age of such youngsters. Not only it would be hard to do so but they can develop attachment which they have left. It is necessary to take some precautions to adhere to this rule of conduct strictly. There is a psychological bearing in respect of this rule of conduct. If we once allow the mind to go down, it will keep declining, step by step.

The Jain Sadhus cannot keep money with them. They cannot own or have control on any wealth or houses or any such movable or immovable property. They should limit their necessities to the lowest limit and apart from those limits they should not own anything or should not have attachment for any thing.